I’m examining the impact Star Trek: The Next Generation had on my formation. The introduction to this series can be seen here.
The Enterprise discovers a starship and a star base where inhabitants have been struck by a disorder causing them to age rapidly. Soon, Dr. Pulaski has been affected.
I’m writing this not because I’ve ever gotten much of anything out of this episode, but because I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be a turning point. We learn that Pulaski has admired Picard from afar for years. We see her take some rash acts to help others, and some selfless acts to protect even more people. Someone verbalizes that the thing that gets in the way of her being more personable is an all-consuming dedication to her craft. And we see her come to some kind of resolution with Picard by the end.
And again, I thought with youthful loyalties faded and not overwhelming my judgement, that I would honestly find something in Pulaski to like here.
But I don’t.
She interacts with Data most of the episode, never ceasing to objectify and belittle him. Actions she takes that on paper should seem compassionate feel rooted in anger and self-righteousness as I watch them. And she interrupts. A LOT. When people are trying to reach some common ground with her. I hate that shit.
I really think we’re supposed to like her by this point, at the very least in a begrudging way. Which makes me think the writers have lost complete control of this situation. I didn’t like her then. And, surprisingly to me, I don’t now. I looked. But I still see nothing to like.
But maybe I just wrote a post to say this. The best thing about this episode, hands down, is that unnamed transporter dude has now been christened Transporter Chief Miles O’Brien.

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